ABtest Service
Numerous results from different laboratories and different assays now show that plasma levels of Aβ40/Aβ42 reflect the brain amyloid burden, considered to be the first pathological change associated with Alzheimer’s disease (1).
Determining the plasma levels of these peptides could help in the diagnosis and prognosis of AD, especially in people who are still asymptomatic (2).
In addition, the use of these plasma tests as pre-screening (triage) tools could make it much easier and cheaper to recruit these individuals into clinical trials of new treatments that seek to modify the course of the disease by halting or delaying the onset of symptoms.
Araclon Biotech has been committed since its foundation to the development of blood biomarkers in order to help in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Along these lines we have developed analysis procedures for the quantification in plasma* of Aβ40 and Aβ42 peptides (ABtestService) whose accumulation in the brain is considered to be the first pathological change related to Alzheimer’s disease (1).

Automated service
ABtestService guarantees reliable results from automated analysis by immunoassay (ABtest-IA) or by mass spectrometry (ABtest-MS) under strictly standardised conditions and performed by highly qualified personnel.
We do not sell kits, rather we offer a testing service (ABtestService). You only have to send us your plasma (or Cerebrospinal Fluid) samples (*).
ABtestService has already been tested in different cohorts globally.